Planning For Retirement Can Be Stressful.

It’s an unfortunate truth, but financial stability is a major concern as we age. There are lots of questions that need to be answered, before you can truly enjoy the comforts and joy of retirement.

  • Do you know how much income you’ll need to live comfortably throughout your retirement?

  • How do you plan to withdraw that income?

  • Will this cause your social security to be taxed more?

  • Will you have enough to cover unexpected health expenses?

  • What type of fees and how much are you paying for your retirement accounts?

As fiduciary financial advisors, Dream Mutual will partner with you to help answer a lot of these questions and remove the stress of the “unknowns” when it comes to your long-term financial stability.

Did You Know That Trying to Maintain Multiple 401(k) Plans Can Potentially Hurt Your Nest Egg?

Keeping multiple 401(k) account is a bad idea. If you didn’t know already, 401(k) and IRA accounts are not free. Each and every investment option in your 401(k) can have an investment fee.


Depending on your specific plan, some of those charges are higher than others.

For example, why would you keep your funds in a forced-transfer IRA that charges you 0.38% per year for investing in an index fund, when your current 401(k) charges you just 0.19% per year for investing in a very similar index fund?

Pro Tip:

Stay clear of 401(k) plans that only offer you a target-date fund. A study found that 65% of target-date funds charged between $40 and $119 in fees for a $10,000 investment. It gets worse…12% of the analyzed target-date funds charged $160 or more in fees for the same size of investment.

If you want to learn more about how you can avoid ending up with multiple 401(k) plans, click below and schedule a free consultation with one of our advisors.


It’s Time to Take Back Control Over Your Retirement Plans

We’re not like most Financial Planners when it comes to servicing our clients. Dream Mutual, a Summers Financial Partner, is independent and can partner with any insurance or investment company that fits your specific needs.

This means you can feel confident knowing that we have your best interests in mind.

We are completely fee based with NO Hidden Commissions. This keeps our partnership and engagement with you completely focused on helping you work towards your goals and putting you in the appropriate financial vehicles for financial independence.

Once your goals have been established, we will customize appropriate strategies to suit your vision and objectives. We’re here to help you execute a sound financial strategy.